Personal loans for students are one more avenue to explore when looking for money to pay for college. Personal loans like any other college loans should be a last option for any student. You should only take it into consideration only after you have exhausted all sources of funding such as college grants and scholarships. This source of acquiring funding for college can put a lot of financial burden on you when you graduate and one is advised to be well educated in them before signing on the dotted line.

Unlike private college student loans, personal loans are not as common. Most of them require that you meet the following criteria:

  • The student should be at minimum, enrolled in a degree program part-time
  • If you plan on applying without a co-signer, you must command a very good credit history
  • You may be tied down to a repayment term that you cannot re-negotiate in the future
  • You might be able to borrow the full amount of your studies but it varies from lender to lender Click to continue reading about personal loans for students


When it comes to scholarships, women are king! Being born a woman can have its advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that few girls try to enroll in certain academic fields which are traditionally dominated by men. The silver lining in this is that women willing to study in these fields will find plenty of scholarships and other forms of financial assistance for their educational costs. These scholarships are meant to help bridge the gap and attract more women into these fields

Women continue to see an ever emergence of new scholarships meant to help in continuing education. There have been efforts to get more of them holding advanced degrees to get them into more leading roles in the employment arena. More and more women are entering doctoral programs and venturing into professions what are traditionally viewed as male dominated. All these advancements have been partly due to the wide availability of scholarships for women. Click to read full article


There are many talented creative writers out there who have been writing and perfecting their work since they were toddlers. Have you been writing your own novel or a children’s story book? Even if you don’t get published as a creative writer, you can enter your work into competitions to win scholarships for your 2012 education and beyond.

Creative Writing Scholarships From Colleges and Universities

Ursinus college has instituted a scholarship awards scheme for creative writers. The scheme awards $30,000 per year to a student who can demonstrate superior creativeness and potential. This award can be renewable each year for the entire four years you spend at the college. Applicants must submit a short creative writing work consisting of 10 pages or less and double spaced together with their application form. For more information and how to apply, visit the Ursinus creative scholarships site. Click to read the rest of this story


Being a parent is a very difficult aspect of life. This is true whether you are a single parent or married. Single moms will find this challenge much more difficult than married couples. This is because the responsibility of raising your child falls squarely on just you. Single mothers often have to combine work with raising their kids which is a very difficult task. You will have to combine day care, making sure they go to school and do their homework, providing theme with enough food, buy them clothes and toys, paying medical bills etc. Getting enough income to provide all these for your child is not easy. If you are a single mom wanting to return to school in order to acquire a better job and secure your future, you can tap into college grants for single mothers.

Grants for single moms aims to help single mothers out there who will struggle to afford college tuition on their own. Although these grants will not cater for the entire cost of a college education, it helps relief some of the burden of financing your education. For most students, the most headache about college education is being able to cover their tuition and books as well as accommodation. Click to read the full story


What are college grants?

A college grant is money that is awarded by an institution, governments and individuals to help college students pay for their academic studies. Most college grants are rarely given directly to individuals and some may be given for other reasons than paying for education. You are encouraged to search for grants that you can directly apply for.

College Grants are in many ways very similar to scholarships. In both cases the money given to you to support your studies is not required to be paid back. There may be restrictions on how you can use your grants but generally, the money will be used towards the payment of tuition, text books, campus housing and related college expenses. In most cases, college grants money will be managed by the institution you want to attend and they will deliver the money to you from the awarding body. Click to read full resource on college grants


There seems to be an abundant of financial aid for undergraduate students. Many graduate students find it hard to find aid money to help pay for college. Making the situation worse is the fact that the cost of graduate school can be considerably more expensive. The cost per credit at graduate level can be as much as two times that of undergraduate studies. Most of the available government funding is for undergraduate students with very little for graduate students. This is where scholarships for graduate students come into play.

If you do your homework well, you will be able to find many scholarships for grads out there. Graduate school students can also find many fellowships and grants tailored specifically to them. This makes it much easier to obtain free graduate school funding. Read the full article about scholarships for graduate students